Idiopathic spinal cord herniation (ISCH) is displacement of spinal cord through a dural or arachnoidal defect. Most patients present with back pain or myelopathy, paresthesia, and sensory or motor weakness. Imaging findings include anterior displacement of the cord with possible kink, no filling defect on CT myelography, and no restricted diffusion/mass lesion on magnetic resonance imaging. Abrupt kink in the spinal cord or widened cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space can be caused by a variety of reasons. The differential considerations include arachnoid web, intradural extramedullary epidermoid or arachnoid cyst, abscess or cystic schwannoma. We discuss the features, imaging, differentials, and treatment of ISCH as a rare cause of such kink in the cord. While reading such cases, a radiologist should include the location, segments involved, cord signal abnormality, visible defect, scalpel sign or C-sign, ventral cord kink, nuclear trail sign, the ventral CSF space preservation, or obliteration and the type.