Today, solar radiation is known as an important renewable energy which can be exploited in several ways such as solar updraft tower power plants, photovoltaic power plants, etc. In a solar updraft tower power plant, sunshine heats the air beneath a wide collector surrounding a tall tower and causes a hot air updraft in the tower by the chimney effect. This airflow drives wind turbines, placed almost in the chimney base, to produce electricity. In this study, the effect of the geometric form of the chimney on the performance of one solar updraft tower power plant is numerically investigated. Regarding the importance of the kinetic power of the hot air on power generation, it is intended to increase the air velocity by varying the forms of the chimney without changing the main dimensions of solar updraft tower power plant such as tower height and collector geometries. This approach may decrease the financial costs of the solar updraft tower power plant. For the numerical simulations, a finite volume computational fluid dynamics code solves the governing equations on an axisymmetric pi-shape domain (15 degrees of whole geometry). To validate the results, the Manzanares solar updraft tower power plant experimental data are utilized. In this study, 15 forms of chimney based on a logical three-step procedure (from a basic cylindrical to a parabolic form) are examined. So, an appropriate/final form with a parabolic curve of chimney wall with divergence angle is obtained. Results indicate that the final form has the highest updraft air velocity. In fact, the average updraft air velocity increases from 15.66 m/s for the basic form to the value of 23.36 m/s (around 49.17% increments) for the final form.