The effectiveness of electroejaculation for obtaining Spanish ibex sperm samples for freeze preserving outside the rutting season was evaluated-the aim being to optimise biological resources for the establishment of germplasm banks. The effect of different egg yolk concentrations (6% or 12%, v/v) in diluents of different buffer composition (Tris-citric acid buffer or Tes-Tris buffer) on frozen-thawed samples of the above also investigated. Experiments were undertaken with six ibex males in February-May, and involved four different semen samples from each animal with four combination of extender, respectively: Tes-Tris-glucose (TTG)-6% egg yolk, TTG-12% egg yolk, Tris-citric acid-glucose (TCG)-12% egg yolk, TCG-6% egg yolk. The results show that electroejaculation is a useful way of obtaining sperm samples from Spanish ibex outside the rutting season (i.e., at a time coinciding with plasma testosterone levels of <0.4 ng/ml). According to the results of the eosin-nigrosin staining and the hypo-osmotic swelling test, the freezing-thawing process significantly reduced the viability and membrane integrity of the spermatozoa extended with TTG-6% egg yolk, TTG-12% egg yolk, and TCG-12% egg yolk, but did not affect these variables in spermatozoa extended with TCG-6% egg yolk. Therefore, the use of Tris-citric acid-based extenders containing low concentrations of egg yolk is recommended for cryopreserving Spanish ibex spermatozoa obtained by electroejaculation outside the rutting season. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.