Rotating black holes in the brany universe of the Randall-Sundrum type with infinite additional dimension are described by the Kerr geometry with a tidal charge b representing the interaction of the brany black hole and the bulk spacetime. For b < 0 rotating black holes with dimensionless spin a > 1 are allowed. We investigate the role of the tidal charge in the orbital resonance model of quasiperiodic oscillations (QPOs) in black hole systems. The orbital Keplerian frequency v (K) and the radial and vertical epicyclic frequencies v (r), v (theta) of the equatorial, quasicircular geodetical motion are given. Their radial profiles related to Keplerian accretion discs are discussed, assuming the inner edge of the disc located at the innermost stable circular geodesic. For completeness, naked singularity spacetimes are considered too. The resonant conditions are given in three astrophysically relevant situations: for direct (parametric) resonances of the oscillations with the radial and vertical epicyclic frequencies, for the relativistic precession model, and for some trapped oscillations of the warped discs, with resonant combinational frequencies involving the Keplerian and radial epicyclic frequencies. It is shown, how the tidal charge could influence matching of the observational data indicating the 3 : 2 frequency ratio observed in GRS 1915 + 105 microquasar with prediction of the orbital resonance model; limits on allowed range of the black hole parameters a and b are established. The "magic" dimensionless black hole spin enabling presence of strong resonant phenomena at the radius, where v (K): v (theta) : v (r) = 3 : 2 : 1, is determined in dependence on the tidal charge. Such strong resonances could be relevant even in sources with highly scattered resonant frequencies, as those expected in Sgr A*. The specific values of the spin and tidal charge are given also for existence of specific radius where v (K) : v (theta) : v (r) = s : t : u with 5a parts per thousand yens > t > u being small natural numbers. It is shown that for some ratios such situation is impossible in the field of black holes. We can conclude that analysing the microquasars high-frequency QPOs in the framework of orbital resonance models, we can put relevant limits on the tidal charge of brany Kerr black holes.