A cross-national analysis of gender arrangements

Pfau-Effinger, B
[1] Georgetown Univ, Sch Business, Washington, DC 20057 USA
[2] Fordham Univ, Grad Sch Business Adm, Bronx, NY 10458 USA
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A cross-national analysis of gender arrangements'' presents author's comparative findings on the gendered employment issue. The aim of the article is to formulate a theoretical base for studies of Russian women situation under contemporary transition burdens. Having reviewed experiences of The Netherlands, Western Germany, and Finland, B. Pfau-Effinger sets fort the notion of gender arrangement and, in conclusion, attempts some insights, stemming from the comparative approach, into outstanding problems of empiric field research with regard to Russian women position in the present employment sphere. Berlin Econ Sch, Berlin, Germany Pfau-Effinger, B (corresponding author), Berlin Econ Sch, Berlin, Germany. Pfau-Effinger, Birgit/AAF-4962-2020 [Anonymous], WORLDS WELFARE CAPIT; Archer M., 1996, CULTURE AGENCY PLACE; ASHWIN S, 1999, STUDIERS MANUFACTURE, P97; Ashwin S., 2000, GENDER STATE SOC SOV, P1; Beck Ulrich., 1986, RISIKOGESELLSCHAFT; Connell R. 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