Memory strategies are essential components of the development of cognitive abilities. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are less likely to use memory strategies spontaneously and, when used. the strategies are often not optimally beneficial. The effectiveness of teaching 2 memory strategies and maintenance of the teaching gains were explored. Nine children with ASD were tested in a single-case research design, where each child was his or her own control. Two 45-min sessions per week were given for 3 consecutive weeks and a follow-up session 2 weeks later. During Baseline trials, spontaneous organisation and rehearsal strategy use was assessed by inviting participants to do whatever they wished to help remember the cards. When they signalled they were done, the cards were covered for a 30-s delay, then participants were asked to verbally recall the cards. Spontaneous categorisation or other strategy use was not observed. After receiving 2 sets of Training trials, participants used categorisation successfully, demonstrated improved recall, and maintained the skills 2 weeks later. Results suggest that with a controlled procedure, one that included awareness and attribution training, memory strategies can be readily taught in a limited number of sessions. This can lead to improved performance in learning situations for children with ASD that can be maintained.