The ploidy values of the epithelial component were determined in a series of thymomas and organotypic thymic carcinomas using image cytometry and the results mere compared with the histological tumour subtypes according to the histogenetic classification introduced by Marine, Muller Hermelink, and Kirchner (MMHK). Forty-six cases of thymic epithelial tumours were included in the study. After reclassification according to the MMHK classification, the distribution among the subtypes was as follows: three medullary, nine mixed type, five predominantly cortical (organoid), 16 cortical thymomas, and 13 well-differentiated thymic carcinomas. Single cell preparations were made from paraffin-embedded tumour tissue and stained according to Feulgen. Ploidy analysis was performed using an automated image analysis system. In five cases, DNA cytometry could not be performed, for technical reasons. The remaining 41 cases consisted of 11 diploid and 30 non-diploid tumours. The percentage of aneuploid rumours in the different subtypes increased from medullary (0 per cent) through mixed type (44.4 per cent), predominantly cortical (75 per cent), cortical (83.3 per cent) to well-differentiated thymic carcinomas (100 per cent). DNA-ploidy determination using image cytometry correlates with the concept of the MMHK classification of thymomas. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.