In recent years, the emergence of new digital platforms of sharing economy has given rise to considerable changes in consumer behavior. These new ways of consumption in online environment have to be driven by specific digital strategies adapted to sharing economy. This Systematic Literature Review aims to cover an existing gap in the literature and to organize the main digital marketing strategies, techniques, or tactics that can be implemented on these platforms in accordance with the objectives and core values of this business model. First, we outline a framework of the sharing economy, including a discussion of the definition of the concept of SE, objectives, importance, and implications for consumer behavior. Then, a methodology of the literature review is developed based on previous literature on the two key terms-"sharing economy" and "digital marketing"-retrieved from databases such as Web of Science and Scopus. The interpretation and analysis of the results allow for the identification of the main digital marketing strategies and techniques to apply on collaborative platforms. Finally, the conclusion outlines the importance of digital marketing in the online environment, as well as of enhancing the user-generated content and e-wordof-mouth on these platforms.