Earth observations can help reduce the loss of life and property from natural and human induced disasters through increasing our understanding of complex environmental systems. In this context, the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) is being built through the coordination of efforts within the international Group on Earth Observations (GEO), comprised of 80 Member States, the European Commission and 58 Participating Organizations, established in February 2005. The 10-Year Implementation Plan defines a vision statement for GEOSS, its purpose and scope, expected benefits for nine "Societal Benefit Areas" (SBAs) (disasters, health, energy, climate, water, weather, ecosystems, agriculture and biodiversity), technical and capacity building priorities, and the GEO governance structure. The full value of GEOSS lies in its ability to integrate information across disciplines. Thus, GEOSS is concerned with: interlinking weather forecasting systems with other Earth observation systems; supporting efforts to advance sustainable energy; and devising end-to-end information services and sustained observing systems essential for addressing climate variability and change. The international collaborative framework of GEO allows: water experts to define the data and systems needed for improved water-cycle forecasting; international teams to monitor ecosystems and generate maps and other decision support tools; development of an Agricultural Monitoring System of Systems that will integrate in-situ and space data from multiple fields; and comprehensive monitoring critical to the conservation and sustainable use of the world's biological diversity. In particular, in the field of water, unique regional cooperative approaches are now on-going and under planning for making maximum use of, and contributing to, GEOSS. The current GEO Work Plan furnishes the blueprint for activities to implement GEOSS, and provides concrete examples of how decision makers can use the data and services available through GEOSS to address major global opportunities and challenges. This is why GEO strives to develop a GEOSS that would serve the needs of all SBAs through interconnecting existing and future Earth observation systems, interlinking observation systems, and promotion of open data sharing.