The objective was to study genetic (co)variance components for binary clinical mastitis (CM), test-day protein yield, and udder health indicator traits [test-day somatic cell score (S CS) and type traits of the udder composite] in the course of lactation with random regression models (RRM). The study used a data set from selected 15 large-scale contract herds including 26,651 Holstein cows. Test-day production and CM data were recorded from 2007 to 2012 and comprised parities 1 to 3. A longitudinal CM data structure was generated by assigning CM records to adjacent official test dates. Bivariate threshold-linear RRM were applied to estimate genetic (co)variance components between longitudinal binary CM (0 = healthy; 1 = diseased) and longitudinal Gaussian distributed protein yield and SCS test day data. Heritabilities for liability to CM (heritability similar to 0.15 from 0 to 305 d after calving) were slightly higher than for SCS for corresponding days in milk (DIM) in the course of lactation. Daily genetic correlations between CM and SCS were moderate to high (genetic correlation similar to 0.70), but substantially decreased at the very end of lactation. Genetic correlations between CM at different test days were close to 1 for adjacent test days, but were close to zero for test days far apart. Daily genetic correlations between CM and protein yield were low to moderate. For identical DIM (e.g., DIM 20, 160, and 300), genetic correlations were -0.03, 0.11, and 0.18, respectively, and disproved pronounced genetic antagonisms between udder health and productivity. Correlations between estimated breeding values (EBV) for CM from the RRM and official EBV for linear type traits of the udder composite, including EBV from 74 influential sires (sires with >60 daughters), were -0.31 for front teat placement, -0.01 for rear teat placement, -0.31 for fore udder attachment, -0.32 for udder depth, and -0.08 for teat length. Estimated breeding values for CM from the RRM were compared with EBV from a multiple-trait model and with EBV from a repeatability model. For test days covering an identical time span and on a lactation level, correlations between EBV from RRM, multiple-trait model, and repeatability model were close to 1. Most relevant results suggest the routine application of threshold RRM to binary CM to (1) allow selection of genetically superior sires for distinct stages of lactation and (2) achieve higher selection response in CM compared with selection strategies based on indicator type traits or based on the indicator-trait SCS.