Objective: Occupational health and safety is one of the most im-portant aspects of the workplace. Working in a healthy and safe environment is one of our constitutional rights. In terms of occupa-tional health, which is of the utmost importance, assessing the oc-cupational eye health of marble quarry workers is also critical. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of corneal neb-ula, refraction error, pterygium, and similar ocular surface diseases and the factors affecting these diseases in marble quarry workers. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study in a mar-ble quarry was performed. All the marble quarry workers who wished to participate in this cross-sectional study were included. Examinations of 126 workers were done in a large, appropriately lit room using a portable Snellen chart and a portable biomicro-scope, and Volk 90D for fundus examination. Results: Of the total 126 workers, 83 (65.9%) were working in an environment of high-risk in respect to ocular health, and eye disease was determined in 32 (25.4%). Refraction error was de-termined in 19 (15.1%), pterygium in 11 (8.7%), amblyopia in 2 (1.6%), and corneal nebula in 1 (1.1%). Conclusions: Pterygium and refraction error were determined at a significantly high rate in marble quarry workers. It is import-ant for workplace doctors to be trained in the early diagnosis of pathologies affecting the ocular surface, such as pterygium, for these workers to be referred early to an ophthalmology special-ist. With the measurement and recording of the visual acuity of workers at certain intervals, workplace accidents can be reduced by taking precautions such as the referral to ophthalmology spe-cialists of those determined to have a decrease in visual acuity.