Moseley M. 2009. Observations on the Cave-Associated Beetles (Coleoptera) of Nova Scotia, Canada. International Journal of Speleology, 38(2), 163-172. Bologna (Italy). ISSN 0392-6672. The cave-associated invertebrates of Nova Scotia constitute a fauna at a very early stage of post-glacial recolonization. The Coleoptera are characterized by low species diversity. A staphylinid Quedius spelaeus spelaeus, a predator, is the only regularly encountered beetle. Ten other terrestrial species registered from cave environments in the province are collected infrequently. They include three other rove-beetles: Brathinus nitidus, Gennadota canadensis and Atheta annexa. The latter two together with Catops gratiosus (Leiodidae) constitute a small group of cave-associated beetles found in decompositional situations. Quedius s. spelaeus and a small suite of other guanophiles live in accumulations of porcupine dung: Agolinus leopardus (Scarabaeidae), Corticaria serrata (Latrididae), and Acrotrichis castanea (Ptilidae). Two adventive weevils Otiorhynchus ligneus and Barypeithes pellucidus (Curculionidae) collected in shallow cave passages are seasonal transients; Dermestes lardarius (Dermestidae), recorded from one cave, was probably an accidental (stray). Five of the terrestrial beetles are adventive Palaearctic species. Aquatic beetles are collected infrequently. Four taxa have been recorded: Agabus larsoni (Dytiscidae) may be habitual in regional caves; another Agabus sp. (probably semivittatus), Dytiscus sp. (Dytiscidae), and Crenitis digesta (Hydrophilidae) are accidentals. The distribution and ecology of recorded species are discussed, and attention is drawn to the association of beetles found in a Nova Scotia "ice cave".