Prehospital dosing errors affect approximately 56,000 US children yearly. To decrease these errors, barriers, enablers and solutions from the paramedic (EMT-P) and medical director (MD) standpoint need to be understood. We conducted a mixed-methods study of EMT-P and MDs in Michigan utilizing focus groups (FG). FGs were held at EMS agencies and state EMS conferences. Questions focused on the drug dose delivery process, barriers and enablers to correct dosing and possible solutions to decrease errors. Responses were coded by the research team for themes and number of response mentions. Participants completed a pre-FG survey on pediatric experience and agency characteristics. There were 35 EMT-P and 9 MD participants: 43% of EMT-Ps had been practicing > 10years, 11% had been practicing < 1 year; and 25% reported they had not administered a drug dose to a child in the last 12 months. EMT-Ps who were very comfortable with their ability to administer a correct drug dose to infants, toddlers, school-aged, and adolescents were: 5%, 7%, 10%, and 54%, respectively. FGs identified themes of: difficulty obtaining weight, infrequent pediatric encounters, infrequent/inadequate pediatric training, difficulties with drug packaging, drug bags that were not EMS friendly, difficulty with drug calculations, and lack of dosing aids. Simplification of dose delivery, an improved length based tape for EMS, pediatric checklists, and dose cards in mL were given as solutions. This mixed-methods study identified barriers and potential solutions to reducing prehospital pediatric drug dosing errors. Solutions should be thoroughly tested prior to implementation.