We show that, tip to isomorphism, there are ten connected locally (M(11).2)-arc-transitive graphs. We compute, up to conjugacy, the connected locally (G, s)-arc-transitive graphs for G = M(11), M(12), M(22), M(23), M(24), J(1), J(2), J(3), HS, McL, He, Ru, Suz, Co(3), and we obtain a partial classification for O'N. The classification provides locally (G, 7)-and (G, 9)-arc-transitive graphs for He and Ru, and locally (G, 7)-arc-transitive graphs for J(3) and O'N. We also obtain new cubic 5-arc-transitive graphs for He and Ru. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.