Although the future is difficult to predict, it is important to try to identify the most significant forthcoming trends and problems in transport, in order to determine what avenues of research are likely to be most productive, In 1994 the chief scientist of the Department of Transport commissioned a group of senior researchers at the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), plus an academic expert, to survey all those technologies, techniques and policies which seemed likely to play a substantial role in inland surface transport (primarily road, though the interaction with rail is important in some aspects) over the next 30 years or so, and to assess what type of research would be needed by the Department to support its future actions. Shortly after this exercise, the Technology Foresight programme of the Office of Science and Technology was launched, with one of its 15 panels charged with examining future technologies in transport. This paper draws the two threads together, to look at the future problems of congestion, safety and environmental damage, and what might be done to minimize them, and to maximize value for money from transport developments.