Non-marine Jurassic rocks are widespread in the northeastern part (Khorat Plateau), and partly in the northern, eastern, and southern parts of Thailand. In the Khorat Plateau, the rocks, more than 1000 m thick, are represented by the Phu Kradung and Phra Wihan Formations of the Khorat Group but are less extensive in the north, east, and south. Reddish brown to grayish purple sandstones, siltstones, claystones, conglomeratic sandstones and conglomerates are the main lithologies; calcrete nodules are also present in claystones only in the Phu Kradung Formation. Deposition occurred mostly in meandering and braided rivers in semi-arid and slightly humid conditions for the Phu Kradung and Phra Wihan Formations, respectively, except for the southern rocks, where lacustrine deposits dominate. Age determinations are based mainly on vertebrates, bivalves and palynomorphs indicating reassignment to the Jurassic-possibly Early Cretaceous.