Most research on the combined effects of paid and unpaid workload has related these factors to stress, depression, and physical symptoms. Thus, comparative knowledge concerning positive aspects of human functioning, such as health and well-being and how they relate to total workload of employed women and men, is limited. Our aim in this study was to investigate how total workload including paid and unpaid work is related to psychological well-being and symptoms in full-time employed women and men. We obtained data on workload, general symptoms, and the Ryff scales covering self-acceptance, environmental mastery, positive relations, personal growth, purpose in life, and autonomy from questionnaires mailed to a stratified sample of highly educated white-collar workers aged between 32 and 58 years. Data from women (n = 430) and men (n = 400) living in partner relationships with at least one child showed that increasing hours of unpaid work was associated with decreasing levels of self-acceptance and environmental mastery in women, whereas paid work was associated with increasing levels of personal growth and decreasing levels of purpose in life. For men, paid work was associated with increasing levels of personal growth and more symptoms. We discuss factors underlying the gender-specific relationships between paid and unpaid work, psychological well-being, and symptoms.