Visual events are structured in space and time, yet models of visual working memory (VWM) have largely relied on tasks emphasizing spatial aspects. Here, we show that temporal properties of visual events are incidentally encoded along with spatial properties. In five experiments, participants performed change-detection tasks, in which items had unique spatial and temporal coordinates at encoding. Crucially, neither space nor time was task relevant. The key manipulation concerned the retrieval context: The test array was identical to the memory array either in its entire spatiotemporal structure, or only its spatial or temporal structure. Removing spatial or temporal information at retrieval resulted in costs, indicating that memory relied on both spatial and temporal context in which items were initially perceived. Encoding of spatiotemporal structure occurred incidentally, not strategically, as it was robust even when the retrieval context was perfectly predictable. However, spatial and temporal inter-item spacings influenced the weighting of spatial and temporal information: It favoured the domain in which items were more widely spaced, facilitating their individuation and, likely, access to representations. Across individuals, the weighting of spatial and temporal information varied substantially, but it remained consistent across sessions, suggesting stable preferences for coding in the spatial or temporal domain. No comparable incidental encoding occurred for other task-irrelevant feature dimensions (size or colour). We propose that temporal structure serves as fundamental a function in VWM as spatial structure, scaffolding events that unfold over time.