This paper describes the theory and particle simulations of ultrarelativistic particle acceleration caused by shock waves in a collisionless magnetized plasma. Since knowledge of field strengths and structures is necessary for the analysis of particle motions, theories of magnetosonic waves are reviewed first; (1) linear and nonlinear magnetosonic waves in a single-ion-species plasma, (2) those in a two-ion-species plasma, (3) those in an electron-positron-ion (EPI) plasma, and (4) the electric field parallel to the magnetic field, E-parallel to. The first topic contains a general introduction to the magnetosonic wave. The second and third topics are concerned with three-component plasmas, in which the magnetosonic wave is split into two modes; the plasma behavior can thus be considerably different from that in a single-ion-species plasma. The fourth topic is the parallel electric field E-parallel to in a nonlinear magnetosonic wave. It is shown that E-parallel to can be strong even in low frequency, magnetohydrodynamic phenomena. Next, nonstochastic particle acceleration caused by the intense electric and magnetic fields formed in a shock wave is studied with theory and with fully kinetic, fully relativistic, electromagnetic, particle simulations. The subjects include (1) electron trapping and acceleration, (2) energization of thermal and relativistic ions, (3) heavy-ion acceleration and resultant damping of nonlinear pulses in a multi-ion-species plasma, and (4) positron acceleration due to E-parallel to in the shock transition region in an EPI plasma. In addition to these processes near a shock front, (5) the evolution of large-amplitude Alfven waves generated behind a shock front and acceleration of electrons in the Alfven wave region are examined. Simulations demonstrate particle acceleration caused by these nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic waves to ultrarelativistic energies much higher than those of solar energetic particles. The acceleration theory based on the investigation of nonlinear waves quantitatively accounts for these simulation results. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.