The effect of epidemics of Mycosphaerella pinodes on crop growth, radiation interception efficiency (RIE) and radiation use efficiency (RUE) was studied in field conditions and the growth of diseased crop was modelled. Natural epidemics were simulated in field plots by dispersion on the ground of barley grains colonized by the fungus. Growth and leaf area index (LAI) were measured in healthy and diseased plots during the growth season. Epidemics affected crop growth mainly by decreasing RUE, with a slight decrease in RIE. This was probably due to the strong effect of M. pinodes on leaf photosynthesis and the lateness of Mycosphaerella blight epidemics on spring pea, which became serious when the canopy was already formed, thus decreasing RIE only by accelerating the senescence of leaves. The data were used to evaluate the performance of a crop growth model for diseased pea crops. The model comprised the decrease in photosynthesis rate in the leaves, the vertical gradient of disease intensity and the differences in photosynthetic function of the various layers of the canopy. This model, validated over 2 years in the field, accurately simulated the crop growth in diseased plots. Thus the decrease in RUE may be accounted for solely by photosynthesis losses in diseased leaves. This simple model may be used for disease management, defining damage thresholds for chemical application and criteria for tolerant variety selection.