Pregnant dry crossbred cows (14) were divided into 2 equal groups and were fed with cationic and anionic diets 45 days prepartum. The dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) value of the diet was 14.58 and -11.82 meq/100 g (Na++K++0.38Ce(+2)+0.30 Mg+2)-(Cl(+)0.60SO(4)(-2)+0.50P(-3)) in cation and anion groups respectively After parturition, both the groups were fed with cationic diet upto 90 days of lactation. Prepartum feed intake in both the groups was not affected by dietary treatments. However, there was significant increase in feed intake in anionic group of cows during postpartum period. The DM intake/100 kg body weight increased during postpartum period as compared to prepartum in both the groups of cows. Colostrum and milk fat per cent in anionic group was significantly increased. Feeding of anionic diet during prepartum period resulted in significant increase (P < 0.05) in plasma Ca level of anionic group cows from the day of parturition to 30 days after parturition. Dairy milk yield averaged 13.01 and 13.61 kg in cationic and anionic groups, respectively, which did not differ between 2 groups. However, there was significant increase in 4% FCM yield (1.15 kg/d) in anionic group during 90 days of lactation study. Calcium concentration in colostrum was significantly increased in anionic diet fed group cows compared to cationic group. There was no change in P, Mg, S, K, Na and Cl contents of colostrum and milk due to dietary treatment. It is inferred that feeding anionic diet prepartum resulted in increase in milk yield upon parturition in crossbred cows, however, this needs further confirmation.