Foraminifers, being sensitive to minute changes, either undergo morphological changes or even disappear from the area completely due to pollution or under unfavourable conditions. The characteristics of foraminifers to incorporate the signature of presence of pollutants are considered to be an effective tool for temporal pollution monitoring studies. Totally, 12 offshore samples (both sediment and water) were taken along a normal profile along the coast of Cuddalore for pollution studies. Apart from foraminiferal studies, geochemical studies of the sediments collected are also undertaken to correlate and substantiate the findings. The near-shore area has a higher concentration of trace elements. If these concentrations exceed or go below permissible limits, it is collateral for the marine community and for those who consume these marine resources. The concentration of trace elements like lead, zinc, manganese, copper, chromium and nickel was illustrated to give an idea of the trace element concentration of the study area. The sedimentological studies reveal the organic matter and calcium carbonate content of the samples, and the bottom water measurements reveal the temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen of sample locations. These are used to determine whether the conditions prevailing could sustain life. The ratio of living to dead species is also determined and correlated with sedimentological and geochemical parameters. Pollution studies have given way to identify morphological abnormalities in the species mainly in Spiroloculina, Quinqueloculina, Elphidium, etc. but we could not find many effects among the faunal assemblages because of the nature of the sediments found in that area.