To cut emissions of building stock, the European Union had set minimum requirements to the energy efficiency of buildings in Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. Member States are encouraged to promote energy upgrading for the higher level by Energy Efficiency Directive, EED Article 4. In this, instead of setting new requirements, focus is on the operating environment. How it could better promote the voluntary deep renovations. The Paris Agreement on climate change imposes increasingly ambitious targets and speeds up progress towards carbon-neutral societies. Finding energy-saving measures that do not increase the cost of living is nevertheless important for all households. Everyone agrees that incorporating measures that improve energy performance into normal structural repairs is the most sensible approach. This makes the measures the most economical to implement. From the perspective of all levels of education and businesses' product development, it is important to agree on what "normal structural repairs" encompass, in order to be able to target investments correctly. To fulfil this kind of information need, the ASPE 15 (Need for the renovation of the housing stock) model has been developed. The main input data is the building typology and number of buildings in each category. In co-operation with stakeholders and by means of case studies, both the usual and the deep renovation measures have been identified. The first results show significant changes in the content of future renovation activities. There are changes both in renovation activities and where they are located.