Micro finance is a mechanism for the development of country with especially focus on poor women in rural areas. Micro Finance has had several successful initiatives, including the range of outreach, as well as the development of innovative products and local institutions that reach out to marginalized communities. Micro-finance has been accepted at the national policy level for poverty reduction. Micro Finance has emerged as a powerful instrument for poverty alleviation and empowering poor. The global nature of the Micro Finance movement is reflected in the growing number of organizations providing Micro finance to poor people. Micro Finance is indicated as one of the financially savvy and beneficial mechanisms of provincial credit transfer framework that encourages speedy and opportune access to commercial credit to needy person in compelling and affordable way. Main objective of expansion of development is to decrease degree of deprivation by arranging business openings and creating the levels of the income generation. There has been exceptional advancement in the outreach and expansion of MFIs in India. The paper is based on mainly primary data. Research design is partly descriptive and partly exploratory. The data for the present study is based on a major research study on micro finance in the state of Uttar Pradesh conducted in 2019 by the researcher. The primary data has been collected through field survey in selected districts viz. Lucknow, Rai-Bareilly, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Meerut and Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh. The variable used in study is univariate. The survey was conducted in rural areas with the support of MFIs (Arohan, Satin Credit Care Ltd, Margdarshak, Spandana, Bharat, Shikhar, SVCL, Superfine and Ujjivan). The data was processed through application of SPSS and critically analyzed. Chi Square Test and F-test applied for data analysis and to know the level of significance. While there are many studies that relate to microfinance, only a few studies have been conducted so far on MFI executives'. Against this backdrop, present paper purports to examine perception of MFIs officials pertaining to micro financial services. The findings of present paper also demonstrate there is positive relationship between micro finance institutions and their clients. The findings of paper are expected to be of useful in understanding of outreach, tenure of loan, services provided to client and nature of client profile.