Objective: Stigma sentiments are the attitudes held toward a culturally devalued label or group. The present study measures schizophrenia stigma sentiments and self-identity to assess self-stigma experienced by people with schizophrenia. Method: Ninety individuals with schizophrenia and 23 controls with no history of psychosis rated the evaluation, potency, and activity of "A person with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder," (stigma sentiments) and of "Myself as I really am" (self-identity). t tests, correlations, and regression analysis were used to (a) test relationships among stigma sentiments and self-identity in the groups separately; (b) test a model for predicting self-identity in the schizophrenia group, using stigma sentiments, current symptoms, and current functioning; and (c) compare the participant groups' stigma sentiments and self-identities. Results: The evaluation category of self-identity and of stigma sentiment were correlated in the schizophrenia group, r(88) = .44, p < .001, but not in the control group. Current symptoms and the evaluation category of stigma sentiments were significant predictors of the evaluation category of self-identity in the schizophrenia group. The evaluation and potency stigma sentiments reported by the 2 groups did not differ; the control group rated itself more favorably on evaluation and potency than did the schizophrenia group. Conclusions and Implications for Practice: Self-evaluation of individuals with schizophrenia was less favorable than self-evaluation of. individuals with no psychosis history, and evaluation attitudes held by individuals with schizophrenia regarding the schizophrenia label were associated with their self-identity. Results suggest preliminary utility of this simple measure in identifying self-stigma experienced by individuals with schizophrenia.