Objective is to highlight some aspects related to the consequences of divorce on children, mothers and parenting strategies Method: we have studied a group of 69 children and adolescents with ages between 3 and 16 years being recorded on the evidence base of Timisoara Psychiatry and Neurology Clinic for Children and Adolescents, with various psychiatric diagnoses, divided into two groups: 36 children and adolescents coming from divorced families (mean age 10.69, Standard Deviation (SD) = 3.84), along with their mothers and a control group consisting of 33 children and adolescents from two parents' families (mean age 8.73, SD = 4.09), along with their mothers. We applied Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), for the children behaviour, Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R) for the mother's symptoms and Parenting Scale. Results showed that children coming from divorced families have more emotional problems compared with children coming from two parents families; the divorced mothers have higher scores to all symptoms compared with married mothers; the divorced mothers are more likely to be over reactive or have more hostility in their parenting style while the married mothers have are laxness in their parenting style.