Little is known about the professional lives of those who teach current and/or future music teachers, thus the primary purpose of the current study is to present the demographics of a sample of the members of the music teacher education (MTE) profession, an overview of their faculty responsibilities, along with their professional and educational backgrounds. Surveys (N = 959) were sent to those whose instructional area included music education as indicated in the Directory of Music Faculties in Colleges and Universities, U.S. and Canada, 2003-2004 (College Music Society, 2003). Respondents' demographic information generally mirrored that of the general teacher education profession. Music teacher educators are overwhelmingly White (94.0%), pre-dominantly male (56.1%), approximately 51.65 years of age and married (78%). Additionally, MTEs spend more time teaching and preparing to teach than in any other professional activity, including scholarship. Many MTEs teach outside of the music education area. Discussion of these results and directions for future research were explored.