Modern society is a knowledge economy. A person who is able to assimilate, analyze, and transform information, received from outside, into knowledge comes to the fore. The requirements for professional and general cultural competencies of the leader's personality are determined by his position in the system of two types of relations: formal ones, due to the power vertical of responsible dependence, and informal ones, related to interpersonal likes and dislikes and intergroup relations in the performance of direct official and public functions. Within the framework of assessing the personal qualities of a leader in high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy, there are criteria for indicators and development levels of his/her competence. A successful leader in high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy should not only have value-based ideas about the organization of labor and have high professional competencies but also be able to effectively and lawfully manage human capital and know the mechanisms of the labor economy. Knowledge becomes the leading production segment, commodity exchange. In the leading countries, from 75 to 90% of the gross domestic product is created at the expense of scientific and technological progress, research and development work. The mechanism of knowledge production has been launched, which is a combination of fundamental science, universities, business schools, knowledge transfer, information flows, etc. In this regard, a leader of an organization and staff should have formed competencies for working in conditions of quantitative data overload, irrelevant and blurry information, information and emotional overload. Effective management style of a leader involves the formation of competencies for localization of information pressure, which is aimed at developing information culture in the organization. Our purpose is to determine the dominant characteristics of the qualities of a leader - a manager, working in the field of high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries, to develop a model of the formation and development of competences of a leader in the field of human capital management in the process of his professional activity, as well as the model of the leadership institute development. The authors adhere to the basic idea of the need to analyze abilities, knowledge, and skills, acquired and formed at an university, and to assess general professional and personal qualities of graduates that are required by employers. The main applied methods include desk and sociological research based on systematic and integrative approaches.