In this study, a vacuum and surcharge combined one-dimensional consolidation model is developed. Terzaghi's consolidation theory is revisited by applying the initial and boundary conditions corresponding to combined vacuum and surcharge loading on a soil. A test apparatus is designed, manufactured, and assembled to verify the model. The apparatus has the capacity of applying designated vacuum and surcharge pressures to a soil specimen, and it allows for the measurement of the excess pore-water pressure, settlement, and volume change during the consolidation process. Two series of tests are performed using the apparatus on two reconstituted natural clay soils, namely, the Welland sediment at water contents close to its liquid limit and the Orleans clay, reconstituted and consolidated under an effective stress of 60 kPa. The former test series mimics the strengthening of a very soft soil, such as the hydraulic fill used in land reclamation. The latter test series is designed to study vacuum-surcharge combined strengthening of a consolidated soil. It is demonstrated from the experiments that the one-dimensional vacuum-surcharge consolidation model describes the consolidation behaviour of both soils well. The consolidation characteristics of the soils show no discrimination against the nature of the consolidation pressure, namely, whether they are consolidated under the vacuum pressure alone, under the surcharge pressure alone, or under a pressure generated by the combined application of vacuum and surcharge. The study concluded that the soil consolidation characteristics obtained from the conventional consolidation tests can be used in the design of vacuum preloading systems, provided that the one-dimensional loading condition prevails.