In this paper we pay attention to the inconsistency in the derivation of the symmetric electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor for a system of charged particles from its canonical form, when the homogeneous Maxwell's equations are applied to the symmetrizing gauge transformation, while the non-homogeneous Maxwell's equations are used to obtain the motional equation. Applying the appropriate non-homogeneous Maxwell's equations to both operations, we obtained an additional symmetric term in the tensor, named as "compensating term". Analyzing the structure of this "compensating term", we suggested a method of "gauge renormalization", which allows transforming the divergent terms of classical electrodynamics (infinite self-force, self-energy and self-momentum) to converging integrals. The motional equation obtained for a non-radiating charged particle does not contain its self-force, and the mass parameter includes the sum of mechanical and electromagnetic masses. The motional equation for a radiating particle also contains the sum of mechanical and electromagnetic masses, and does not yield any "runaway solutions". It has been shown that the energy flux in a free electromagnetic field is guided by the Poynting vector, whereas the energy flux in a bound EM field is described by the generalized Umov's vector, defined in the paper. The problem of electromagnetic momentum is also examined.