Most orthopedic residents carry significant debt and may enter their practice with little knowledge of business management, minimal retirement savings, and overall poor financial literacy. This study aimed to gauge financial literacy, debt, and retirement planning in United States orthopedic surgery residents. Willingness to participate in formalized financial education was also assessed. Eighty-five allopathic orthopedic surgery residents in the United States completed a 14-question anonymous online survey in 2016. The survey assessed demographic data, self-assessed financial knowledge, amount of credit card debt and loans, preparation for retirement, and willingness to participate in formal didactic education on these topics. Most respondents derive their financial knowledge from personal research (51%), whereas only 4 per cent have a formal curriculum. Despite most respondents reporting more than $200,000 in outstanding loans, only 31 per cent create and stick to a budget. Few programs offer retirement advice, and 48 per cent of respondents save $0 toward retirement. Eighty-five per cent of residents expressed interest in learning about personal investment, savings, and retirement planning. Orthopedic surgery residents carry significant debt and do not achieve their high-income potential until disproportionately later in life. Only 4 per cent of residents have formal training in investing, personal finance, or retirement despite a majority who desire such a curriculum. In fact, almost 75 per cent of those surveyed felt less prepared for retirement than their peers outside of medical training. This study suggests a role for formal financial education in the orthopedic curriculum to prepare residents for retirement, improve financial literacy, and enhance debt management.