The endemic Australian bee fly genus Neosardus Roberts is revised. The genus is diagnosed and diagnoses are provided for the five species described by previous authors, N. principius Roberts, N. circumdatus Roberts, N. lepidus Roberts, N. nigratus Roberts and N. paramonovi Hull. The following 13 new species are described: N. decus, sp. nov., N. vicinus, sp. nov., N. eremae, sp. nov., N. millstreamensis, sp. nov., N. phaleratus, sp. nov., N. australis, sp. nov., N. danielsi, sp. nov., N. sparsus, sp. nov., N. elegans, sp. nov., N. rieki, sp. nov., N. percultus, sp. nov., N. cosmus, sp. nov., and N. fenestratus, sp. nov. The wings of six species and male genitalia of seven species are illustrated, as are the female genitalia of one species. A key is provided to all species and distributions of all widespread species are mapped.