New petrological, whole-rock geochemical, zircon U-Pb geochronological, and zircon Lu-Hf isotopic data have been reported for Early Cretaceous intrusive rocks in the Wulong region of the Liaodong Peninsula on the North China Craton. The zircon U-Pb chronology shows that the crystallization age of six groups of intrusive rocks from this region is 129-123 Myr ago. These intrusive rocks can be categorized into A-type granite (granodiorite), K-rich adakite (porphyritic-like monzogranite), highly fractionated I-type granites (porphyritic-like biotite monzogranite, porphyritic-like syenogranite, and syenogranite), and gabbro. These granitoids are shown to have negative zircon epsilon Hf(t) values(-21.0 to -11.1) with old two-stage Hf model ages (T-DM2(Hf)) (1.88-2.50 Ga), while gabbro has higher zircon epsilon Hf(t) values(-14.3 to -9.4) with younger T-DM2(Hf) (1.77-2.08 Ga) model ages. According to our results, we believe that the porphyritic-like monzogranite was produced through partial melting of the thickened eclogitic lower crust, the gabbro was generated by partial melting of a source formed by the mixing of enriched lithospheric mantle and delaminated eclogitic lower crust, the granodiorite was formed by mixing crust materials and mafic melts, the porphyritic-like biotite monzogranite, porphyritic-like syenogranite, and syenogranite originated from the medium- to high-K basaltic lower crust. The bimodal intrusive rocks (gabbro, porphyritic-like monzogranite, and porphyritic-like biotite monzogranite) and A-type granites (granodiorite) were emplaced in an extensional setting associated with Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction. We also determined that the tectonic setting changed from extension to transpression during 125-120 Myr ago (porphyritic-like syenogranite and syenogranite). Moreover, we confirmed the hypothesis that the Early Cretaceous delamination is the result of Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction.