Here we report first ever study on acoustical evaluation of Kanheri Caves located in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai (Maharashtra, India). These caves are dated to a period between 2nd century BCE to 7th century CE. In this study we used an ambisonic recorder to capture Impulse Response, which carries acoustic signature of the place. Out of total 109 caves 41 were surveyed in available time. Out of those reverberant environment was noted in 12 caves. Measurements were made only in 3 caves (Cave Nos. 1, 3, 11) which are important. In the beginning we carried out an FFT analysis. We then studied room acoustic parameters like Reverberation Time, Early Decay Time, Clarity, Definition, etc., based on the measurement of Impulse response. Cave No. 3 have high value of reverberation time, compared to other. Therefore it also have lower clarity compared to others. It is properties needs to be compared with similar structures (chaityas) in Maharashtra (at Ajanta, Ellora, Nashik, Junnar, etc.) and elsewhere in India. It is worthwhile to carry out further research in Cave No. 3 with more sophisticated instruments as well as 3D modeling. Since the experiment was performed with receiver at only one position, we also suggest to carry out experiment with receiver at multiple positions and then comparing them.