A study was made of the occurrence and characteristics of counterfactual thinking (CT) in relation to sense of coherence SOC that expresses coping effectiveness, and to anxiety and self-esteem. A configural frequency analysis was used to determine types. The combination of high coping effectiveness (SOC) with CT (rarer, helpful in solving future problems, not saddening, not inhibiting future problem solving) was confirmed - as type 1, in which cognitive aspects of CT prevail. Type 2 represents lower SOC in combination with CT (frequent, saddening, not helpful, rather inhibiting the solving of future problems) - emotional aspects of CT prevail in this type. The combination of CT characteristics with anxiety introduced a single type: high anxiety, frequent CT, saddening CT, CT does not help future solutions, CT inhibits future solutions. No distinct type regarding the relation between CT characteristics and self-esteem was observed. CT characteristics are also discussed in relation to Big Five factors describing personality.