Objective The aim of this meta-analysis was to compare levels of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among children with and without chronic physical and/or sensory conditions, based on PedsQL 4.0 General Core Scales. Methods Studies were identified with electronic databases (CINAHL, PSYCINFO, MEDLINE, Google Scholar, PSYNDEX) and from the PedsQL website. We included controlled studies that compared PedsQL scores of children (mean age < 18 years) with and without chronic physical and/or sensory conditions and uncontrolled studies on children with chronic physical and/or sensory conditions from countries where data from peers without chronic conditions have been published. Random-effects meta-analyses were computed. Results In total, 1,231 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. There were large declines of the total and physical score as well as medium-sized declines of psychosocial health and its subscales, based on criteria of interpreting effect sizes by Cohen [Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 155-159]. Children with cerebral palsy and spina bifida showed the largest declines across all scales, but significant declines emerged in all compared 29 chronic conditions. We identified moderating effects of duration of the chronic condition, rater, child gender, country, sociodemographic equivalence of the compared groups, type of control condition, and publication status. Conclusions Young people with chronic health conditions should be screened for HRQOL, and the profile across different domains should be preferred over the use of a sum score. Child self-reports are particularly relevant for assessing emotional and social functioning. Effective measures aimed at improving HRQOL are needed, especially if the chronic condition leads to severe declines of physical functioning.