The research regarding the populations dynamics, attack evolution and the control of wheat pests was carried out at Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda, in Central Transylvania. Under special conditions of 1989-2003 period, the attack of the main wheat pests (Diptera, Homoptera, Thysanoptera, Coleoplera, Chrysomelidae etc.) increased. The results on the integrated pests control strategy were obtained with the use of optimal zone crop technology. The high efficiency on the control of main dangerous pests and the achieved increasing yields are experimental results which recommend the integrated pest management and modern insecticides pest control. Used on field treatments, at optimal application moment, such insecticides like: tiachloprid, thiametoxam, fipronil, bensultap, acetamiprid, dimethoate, chlorpirifos-metil, deltametrin, lambdacihalotrin, novaluron, lufenuron, fenitrotion with fenvalerat, oxidemeton metil with beta-ciflutrin, chlorpirifos with cypermetrin, dimethoate with cypermetrin etc., had a very good efficiency in pests control, especially in cereal flies, leafhopper, aphides, thrips, cereal leaf beetle control, realizing the increasing of grain yields average with 7-24% and had protected useful arthropod fauna. Intersting research regarding the importance of useful arthropod populations was carried out, too. The well-known systematic groups of enthomophagous predators: Araneae; Dermaptera; Thysanoptera (Aeolothripidae); Heteroplera (Nabidae etc.); Coleoplera (Sylphidae, Coccinellidae, Carabidae, Cicindelidae, Staphylinidae, Cantharidae, Malachiidae); Diptera (Syrphidae, Scatophagidae, Empididae etc.); Hymenoptera (Formicidae etc.); Neuroptera (Chrysopidae) were represented in the structure of arthropod fauna.