This article focuses on integration of digital competence in curriculum documents for teacher education in Norway. A model inspired by the work of Zhao, Pugh, Sheldon and Byers, as well as Krumsvik and Mishra and Koehler, has been developed as an analytical framework. Teachers' digital competence is here understood as comprising three knowledge areas: technology proficiency, pedagogical compatibility and social awareness. National guidelines and curriculum regulations, along with programme descriptions from 19 teacher education institutions, have been analysed using this framework. Results indicate that use of technology does not have a prominent position in curriculum documents. There are few binding learning outcomes for the integration of technology, suggesting that digital competence is still not regarded as an important component of teachers' professional competence. By clarifying the content of the concept, 'teachers' digital competence', this article aims to contribute to increasing teacher educators' awareness of which areas of knowledge they integrate into their curricula, what the goal of this knowledge is and which strategies are best suited to help pre-service teachers acquire this knowledge.