A new species ofLecithostaphylusOdhner,1911(Zoogonidae) is described from the Pacific agujon needlefish,Tylosurus pacificus(Steindachner) (Belonidae), from two localities off the Pacific coast of Mexico. Morphologically, the new species agrees with the diagnosis of the genusLecithostaphylus.Lecithostaphylus brayisp. nov. differs from other congeneric species by a combination of morphological traits, including the overall body size, anterior and posterior extension of the vitelline follicles in the hindbody, and the presence/absence of papilla-like denticles on internal surface of ventral sucker.Lecithostaphylus brayisp. nov. most closely resemblesL. retroflexus(Molin,1859), Odhner,1911andLecithostaphylus tylosuriChaari, Derbel & Neifar,2013from Mediterranean needlefishes andLecithostaphylus nitens(Linton,1898) Linton,1940from needlefishes in multiple marine ecoregions; however, it can be distinguished by subtle morphological differences, host association, and geographical distribution. The new species will require further verification through a more detailed morphological study ofL. nitensand, ideally, molecular data forL. nitens,L. retorflexus, andL. tylosuri. Newly generated 28S rDNA sequences allowed a phylogenetic assessment of the genus and show thatLecithostaphylusclades within the Zoogonidae, sister to the generaDeretremaLinton,1910+ProctophantastesOdhner,1911, although the family Zoogonidae is not resolved as monophyletic. The inclusion of more representative genera in the molecular phylogenetic analysis will be needed to generate a more robust classification scheme for the Zoogonidae, and to discuss host specificity patterns for members of the family.