Defining administrative law acts we have to highlight the resemblances with juridical acts in general (proxim gender), but in the same time the distinctions between all the others juridical acts (specific distinctions). First of all, administrative law acts, are juridical acts, namely manifestations of will made with the intention of producing juridical effects, in agreement with law, guaranteed in their realization by the force of state enforcement. Secondly, this juridical acts are unilateral being emited without the consent of the other part in the juridical proportion to whom is intended for. In the third place, they emanate from the state organs (costumary of administration), in the quality of subjects specialy invested with attributions of making public power. In the end, they are acts of power, the juridical expression in the form that the state executive activity takes it. Synthesizing this elements we can define administrative law acts being unilateral juridical acts emited within the executive activity by the ublic authorities in their quality of special subjects invested with attribution of making the power in state. Adoption stage or emiting administrative acts represents the moment in which the willdevelops in the purpose of making juridical effects. She realizes in different modes, thereby, in the case of unipersonal organs the emiting moment is marked by the signing inscribed of the juridical act, and in the case of colleagiate organs, the adoption takes place within seance by vote. Adoption stage can be divised, in the case of organs, in at least 3 phases: debating, deliberation and voting. Adoption stage is managed by important procedural formalities concomitant decisional adoption and subsequent adoption, necessary insuring validity or application.