Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious epidemic among Asian immigrant communities. Yet little is known about the scope, nature, and related contextual, cultural, and social factors of IPV among this population. In particular, the lack of research has been evident in examining health and mental health outcomes of IPV and service utilization, revealing notable gaps in health disparities which result in a failure to provide relevant services and law enforcement protection for battered Asian immigrant women. This article examines critically the growing body of literature on IPV among Asian immigrant populations in several areas: (a) the context of IPV. cultural, social, and individual/familial, (b) prevalence of IPV, (c) physical health and increased risk for sexually transmitted disease and HIV/AIDS, (d) mental health consequences and substance use, (e) social support and help-seeking behaviors, and (f) barriers to service utilization. Future directions for practice, policy, and research are discussed.