Introduction: In this study, the characteristics of the injuries through which healthcare workers were exposed to blood and body fluids and their distribution as regards occupational groups and years were evaluated, and it was aimed to investigate measures taht could be taken to reduce these injuries. Materials and Methods: One hundred and ninety-three penetration-laceration and mucosal injuries occurred in 2015 and 2017 at Umraniye Training and Research Hospital were assessed retrospectively using Excel (Office 2007). Results: When occupational groups were examined, 193 injuries recorded within these two years were found to belong to trainee health workers (45.6%) and nurses (31%). The source of 69% of the injuries was certain. Serological examination of the specimens whose source was known revealed 4% HBsAg positivity, 4% antiHCV positivity and 1% antiHIV positivity. 95% of the injuries were percutaneous. When time of occurrence was examined, it was determined that 48.2% of the injuries occurred from morning to noon, 43% after lunch, and 8.8% during night shift. The most common injuries were during procedure with a rate of 47.7%. When health professionals were examined according to their years in profession, 78.2% were found to have been working for a year. Conclusion: Exposure to blood and body fluids is a great risk for healthcare workers. About half of the data we gathered had occurred in the occupational group of trainee health workers. According to the years of work, 78% of the injuries occurred in the first year of occupation. For this reason, we think that the practical and theoretical training given to health professionals who are at the beginning of their professions should be increased, and these people should be observed carefully in the field.