The temperature-composition phase diagrams for six pairs of diblock copolymer and homopolymer are presented, putting emphasis on the effects of block copolymer composition and the molecular weight of added homopolymers. For the study, two polystyrene-block-polyisoprene (SI diblock) copolymers having lamellar or spherical microdomains, a polystyrene-block-polybutadiene (SB diblock) copolymer having lamellar microdomains, and a series of polystyrene (PS), polyisoprene (PI), and polybutadiene (PB) were used to prepare SI/PS, SI/PI SB/PS, and SB/PB binary blends, via solvent casting, over a wide range of compositions. The shape of temperature-composition phase diagram of block copolymer/homopolymer blend is greatly affected by a small change in the ratio of the molecular weight of added homopolymer to the molecular weight of corresponding block (M-H,M-A/M-C,M-A or M-H,M-B/M-C,M-B) when the block copolymer is highly asymmetric in composition but only moderately even for a large change in M-H,M-A/M-C,M-A ratio when the block copolymer is symmetric or nearly symmetric in composition. The boundary between the mesophase (M-1) of block copolymer and the homogeneous phase (H) of block copolymer/homopolymer blend was determined using oscillatory shear rheometry, and the boundary between the homogeneous phase (H) and two-phase liquid mixture (L-1 + L-2) with L-1 being disordered block copolymer and L-2 being macrophase-separated homopolymer was determined using cloud point measurement. It is found that the addition of PI to a lamella-forming SI diblock copolymer or the addition of PB to a lamella-forming SB diblock copolymer gives rise to disordered micelles (DM) having no long-range order, while the addition of PS to a lamella-forming SB diblock copolymer retains lamellar microdomain structure until microdomains disappear completely. Thus, the phase diagram of SI/PI or SB/PB blends looks more complicated than that of SI/PS or SB/PS blends. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.