The characteristics of concentrated leachate in municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration power plants were analyzed for CODCr, BOD5, the concentration of heavy metals, and spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM). We performed correlation-principal component analysis to analyze the data. The samples were collected from leachate treatment plants of six MSW incineration power plants in China, all of which have a typical treatment process. Our study showed that the samples have high content of organic matter with extremely low biodegradability, various heavy metals, and a large amount of negative ions such as Cl-, SO42- and PO43- in the concentrated leachate. The intense fluorescent absorption peaks in the visible and ultraviolet regions of the ultraviolet-visible spectra and three-dimensional fluorescence spectra suggest that the concentrated leachate contains a large amount of refractory organic matter mainly consisting of fulvic acid. The humification indexes (HIX) of samples ranged from 1.26 to 14.24 when the biodegradability indexes (BIX) ranged from 0.10 to 2.25. Correlation analysis revealed that the concentration of Cl-, PO43-, and NO3- is significantly correlated with the property of the DOM, and the concentration of Ca, Cr, and SO42- almost has no correlation with other indicators in the concentrated leachate. The characteristics of the concentrated leachate are reflected by three principal components: PC1 is mainly related to the DOM, which is relatively stable and hardly degrades, this component may reflect the degradability and humification degree of the concentrated leachate. PC2 reflects the degradability of the concentrated leachate; a higher score in its positive direction indicates greater degradability of the concentrated leachate. PC3 has little influence on the characteristics of the concentrated leachate. This research can provide a theoretical basis for the effective treatment of concentrated leachate of MSW incineration power plants.