A socially responsible company does not only focus on financial issues and economics (such as maximize its profit), but also on the environmental and social issues related to their business activities. Nowadays, consumers' satisfaction and over-all educational process in these areas are seen as the important step to company success. Applying the principles of the corporate social responsibility represents one of the ways to gain a competitive advantage for the company, at the same time as improve its image and increase brand value, attract new customers and also not least increase profits. The aim of this article includes to provide a literature review on the issue from the perspective of several foreign and domestic authors. By using methods of description, comparison, deduction, induction, it discusses the essence of corporate social responsibility, the concept of triple bottom line (so called concept 3P People, Planet, Profit) and also analyses its practical use in the case of the particular company applying the principles of CSR. The secondary data for the analysis was obtained from annual company reports, statistical tables and published professional publications. In order to determine the perception of the corporate social responsibilities as a brand valueenhancing tool, a questionnaire survey was conducted among Slovak consumers. General scientific methods were applied for the processing of the data, as well as mathematical methods to evaluate the data collated from the results of the questionnaire survey. Based on this, proposals are put forward for the effective implementation of these principles. Finally, the benefits of using CSR principles are highlighted, that include, in particular, building customer relationships, gaining their loyalty and increasing the brand value.