Gonads of premetamorphosing larval (PML), transforming (TL) and newly metamorphosed (juvenile) sea lampreys (JL) (Petromyzon marinus) were incubated in vitro with tritiated pregnenolone ([H-3]P-5) progesterone ([H-3]P-4), and androstenedione ([H-3]A(4)) to identify the major products of steroidogenesis in early developmental stages. Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, using two mobile phase gradients, was used to separate the radioactive steroid metabolites. 7alpha-Hydroxylase activity was evident, based on the loss of radioactivity from [H-3]P-5 labelled at position 7, appearing as tritiated water, and on the appearance of radiolabelled 7alpha-hydroxypregnenolone in the incubation medium. In addition, there was evidence of the synthesis of 15alpha-hydroxylated steroids from the three steroid precursors used. For the progestogen precursors, one of the major 15alpha-hydroxylated metabolites synthesized by both testis and ovarian tissue co-eluted with authentic 15alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, and for [H-3]A(4), the product was predominantly [H-3]15alpha-hydroxyandrostenedione. Additional polar steroids were produced, some of which co-eluted with authentic 15alpha-hydroxytestosterone and 15alpha-hydroxyestradiol, whereas others could not be correlated with the authentic 15alpha- or 15beta-hydroxylated steroids available. Ovarian tissues from PML and TL developmental stages synthesized several very non-polar compounds, some of which were present as unconjugated compounds, and others only in the conjugated fraction. These molecules had retention times consistent with pregnanes, and their presence in the incubation medium was therefore indicative of the presence of 5alpha-reductase. These metabolites were not present in the incubation medium from testis, or the JL ovary, suggesting that there is no expression of 5alpha-reductase activity in these tissues. Traces of 17beta-estradiol were found in the incubation medium from ovarian tissue incubated with P-5, but not following incubation with P-4 or A(4). Testosterone was not present in the incubation medium from either ovarian or testis fragments incubated with any of the substrates used. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.