One of the main directions of development of modern Kazakhstan is formation of the constitutional state, development and strengthening of democratic institutes that isn't possible without active participation from civil society. Much attention in many program documents "Kazakhstan 2030 is paid to development of civil society. Prosperity, safety and improvement of welfare of all Kazakhstan citizens", "Concepts of development of civil society RK", etc. Much attention is paid to the matter and internationally. Relevance of scientific and practical research of problems of civic education in Kazakhstan is caused by that any phenomenon at a stage of the formation meets obstacles in the development, civil society not an exception. It is possible to hope that these problems will also not remain without media exposure that will allow experts to develop the corresponding recommendations in the course of the analysis of publications. If each of us starts showing a civil liability, together we will become the huge force which will be able to resist to any crisis manifestations, in particular in the conditions of world economic instability. Research is directed on maintenance, and also theoretical justification of initiatives, on development of civic education and development of practical recommendations in the field. In the context of the analysis of a readiness of the conceptual bases of civic education it is necessary to address to the idea of civil society created within political philosophy and legal philosophy first of all. The perspective of civil society arises in antiquity in connection with questions of the status of the person and citizen, a property role in preservation of stability of public and state institutes, ratios of civil duties and the law in doctrines of stoik, sophists, Aristotle, Platon. In the very first approach the studied concept demands division of political and social aspect of civil society. The general concept about "civil society" goes back, nevertheless, to Platon and Aristotle's doctrine in which works there is a certain preliminary division in understanding of the state and civil society. The main content of the concept "civil society" takes shape in doctrines of antique philosophers in the context of reasonings on natural and social needs of the people including inherent in them from the birth and realized in such spheres of life of society (moral, the matrimonial relations, etc.) in which the state control isn't an indispensable and immanent condition of their functioning, at least at certain stages of economic and political development of society. In too time the understanding, for example, of civil society as communities of the free and equal citizens connected among themselves by a certain form of a political system indicates by Aristotle a priority of the state and policy as backbone factors of historical and social development.