Mean interpupillary distance (IPD) is an important and oft-quoted measure in stereoscopic work. However, there is startlingly little agreement on what it should be. Mean IPD has been quoted in the stereoscopic literature as being anything from 58 nun to 70 mm. It is known to vary with respect to age, gender and race. Furthermore, the stereoscopic industry requires information on not just mean IPD, but also its variance and its extrema, because our products need to be able to cope with all possible users, including those with the smallest and largest IPDs. This paper brings together those statistics on IPD which are available. The key results are that mean adult IPD is around 63 mm, the vast majority of adults have IPDs in the range 50-75 mm, the wider range of 45-80 mm is likely to include (almost) all adults, and the minimum IPD for children (down to five years old) is around 40 mm.