We investigate theoretically the total refractive index changes (TRICs) and the total absorption coefficients (TACs) of two-electron Gaussian quantum dot (TEGQD) including Gaussian potential confinement generated by GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructure, embedded in Debye and quantum plasma environments modeled by the more general exponential cosine screened Coulomb (MGECSC) potential, under the influence of the external electric and magnetic field. The wave equation is solved within the effective mass approach framework by using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method in order to obtain the subband spectra and the electronic wave functions of TEGQD. Nonlinear optical response of TEGQD is obtained through the compact-density-matrix formalism within the iterative method. The effects of both Debye and quantum plasma environments in the strong and weak regimes of the external fields are considered and compared throughout the study. The potents of the external electric field, the external magnetic field, the quantum dot width, the barrier height, and the plasma screening on TRICs and TACs resonant frequencies and amplitudes are analyzed. In addition to these analyses, the alternatives to each parameter effects of the model are also elucidated. TRICs and TACs analyze are carried out in a plasma-free environment, and thus the function of environments with plasma compared to that without plasma is better explained. Thanks to all these reviews, it is elucidated how to and at what ranges perform in terms of the incident photon energy of TEGQD's optimum for TRICs and TACs characters by using plasma, and in which cases it will be an alternative to the external field and geometrical encompassing.