Greenhouse grown tomato was used to test partial root drying (PRD), a newly developing irrigation technique to save irrigation water, in Spring- and Fall-planted fresh-market tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L., cv. Fantastic) cultivar. The PRD practice simply requires wetting of one half of the rooting zone and leaving the other half dry, thereby utilizing reduced amount of irrigation water applied. The wetted and dry sides are interchanged in the subsequent irrigations. Six irrigation treatments were tested during the two-year work in 2000 and 2001: (1) FULL, control treatment where the full amount of irrigation water, which was measured using Class-A pan evaporation data, was applied to the roots on all sides of the plant; (2) 1PRD30, 30% deficit irrigation with PRD in which wetted and dry sides of the root zone were interchanged with every irrigation; (3) 1PRD50; (4) 2PRD50, 50% deficit irrigation with PRD in which wetted and dry sides of the root zone were interchanged every and every other irrigation, respectively; (5) DI30 and (6) DI50, 30 and 50% deficit irrigations, respectively. The defined deficit levels were all in comparison to FULL irrigation. During the first year study in 2000, only three treatments (FULL, 1PRD30 and 2PRD50) were tested. Five treatments with exception of 2PRD50 were included in 2001. The FULL irrigation treatment, in Spring-planted tomato having a 153 day growth period, yielded 110.9 t ha(-1). The resulting irrigation-water-use efficiency (IWUE) was 321.8 kg (ha mm)(-1). The 1PRD50 treatment gave 86.6 t ha(-1), which was not statistically different (P less than or equal to 0.05) from the FULL irrigation (the control) and had 56% higher IWUE. Although yield differences were not statistically significant in Fall-planted tomato, the highest fruit yield was again obtained under FULL irrigation treatment (205.2 t ha(-1)) over a growth period of 259 days after transplanting. The PRD treatments had 7-10% additional yield over the deficit irrigation receiving the same amount of water. The PRD treatments gave 10-27% higher marketable tomato yield (>60 g per fruit), compared with the DI treatments. Abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations measured in fresh leaf tissue was the highest under PRD practice relative to FULL and DI treatments. The high ABA content of fresh-leaf tissue observed in the work supports the root signalling mechanism reported earlier in plants having undergone partial root drying cycles. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.